Adam Brody Calls Out Anti-Woke Celebrities: ‘There Are Bigger Fish to Fry’

Adam Brody Calls Out Anti-Woke Celebrities: 'There Are Bigger Fish to Fry'

Adam Brody Calls Out Anti-Woke Celebrities: ‘There Are Bigger Fish to Fry’

Adam Brody Calls Out Anti-Woke Celebrities: ‘There Are Bigger Fish to Fry’

Adam Brody, best known as Seth Cohen from The O.C., has voiced his concerns about celebrities who criticize the so-called “woke culture.”

During a recent episode of the Armchair Expert podcast with Dax Shepard and Monica Padman, Brody expressed his belief that while he may not excel in activism, he feels compelled to address the anti-woke sentiment prevalent among some public figures.

When Shepard brought up the topic of cancel culture, Brody responded affirmatively, sharing his perspective as someone who aligns more with liberal values. “Sure, there are excesses on both sides of any movement,” he remarked. “But if that’s your primary focus as a comedian, artist, or political commentator, then you’ve really missed the point. The positive changes that have occurred far outweigh the negatives.”

Brody reflected on how the atmosphere on set has improved over the past few years, stating, “It’s so different and much more positive now. While I do think some individuals have faced excessive punishment, we’re still navigating this landscape. It’s puzzling to me when comedians make this their main issue.”

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He also emphasized the importance of diverse opinions and open dialogue, saying, “We can discuss our differences as long as we agree that global warming is real and we’re committed to addressing it. Let’s focus on how to improve society.”

Brody’s remarks come as he promotes his new rom-com series, Nobody Wants This, co-starring Kristen Bell, who is married to Shepard. Created by Erin Foster, the semi-autobiographical Netflix series explores an unexpected love story between an agnostic sex podcaster (Bell) and a nontraditional rabbi (Brody).

As a Jewish individual who hasn’t practiced much, Brody shared his appreciation for the show’s modern take on religion. “I thought, ‘This character is modern, casual, and not preachy at all — he’s just a rabbi and a regular L.A. guy,’” he explained.

Brody also noted the significance of rituals, stating, “Often, religion can feel disconnected from identity or a community, so it’s vital to keep traditions alive and ensure we’re all aligned in some way. While we can’t always be in a temple, we can certainly incorporate Shabbat into our lives wherever we are.”


Nobody Wants This premieres on September 26. Catch Brody’s insights on Armchair Expert above.

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