Meet Simea: Moana’s Little Sister and a Spirited Addition to Moana 2 (Exclusive)

Meet Simea: Moana’s Little Sister and a Spirited Addition to Moana 2 (Exclusive)

Meet Simea: Moana’s Little Sister and a Spirited Addition to Moana 2 (Exclusive)

Meet Simea: Moana’s Little Sister and a Spirited Addition to Moana 2 (Exclusive)

Moana is not only a wayfinder but now also a proud big sister.

Moana 2, set to premiere on November 27, introduces a host of new characters, but the most significant is Simea, Moana’s spirited little sister. Voiced by Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda, the energetic three-and-a-half-year-old adds a deeper connection to Moana’s home and family.

Simea has been integral to Moana’s journey since the early stages of development for a planned Disney+ series, which ultimately evolved into this film. “Simea is Moana’s mini,” Lambert-Tsuda describes, emphasizing her character’s lively and playful nature. “I wanted to channel that cuteness and energy when performing my lines.”

Co-director David Derrick Jr. drew inspiration for Simea from his own family experiences, particularly the relationship between his children. During the pandemic, he observed how his daughter, now 21, bonded with his younger son, who is now 7. “Their connection was tested when she could finally leave the house,” Derrick recalls. “He would ask her when they could live together forever again. It was challenging yet beautiful.”

These dynamics shaped Simea’s character, illustrating how she helps Moana reconnect with her island and its people. When a mysterious call beckons Moana to explore beyond her known world, she grapples with the reality of being away from her sister for an extended period.

Kevin Webb, a lead animator, focused on the sibling relationship between Moana and Simea, noting that Moana serves not only as a sister but also as a guardian and mentor. “Decoding their unique bond was crucial, especially given their age gap,” he explains. “Moana is the only one who can communicate with Simea on a peer level.”

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Moana 2 Cover Tout 091024 05 bdb77894ad59452180701e233b83708c

In crafting Simea’s personality, Webb drew from his own daughter, who was three at the time, as well as Moana’s iconic traits. “We wanted to create a character who matches Moana’s scrappy and fiery spirit,” he shares. “It was exciting to bring that youthful energy to life while connecting her to Moana’s essence.”

Lambert-Tsuda echoed this sense of wonder in portraying Simea, expressing her excitement about having Moana as a big sister, saying, “I wish I could meet her in real life!”

Webb also incorporated personal touches into Simea’s design, such as her charming buck teeth, a trait he shares with his daughter. “I find them endearing and wanted to celebrate that unique characteristic,” he says.

To capture Simea’s movement, Webb studied videos of his daughter at that age, aiming for a sense of chaotic energy that defines young children. “Kids run with a kind of delightful chaos, often tripping over their own feet,” he explains, emphasizing the authenticity of her age.

The animators worked hard to convey Simea’s courage and vibrant personality, which mirrors Moana’s own. “Simea embodies unfiltered optimism and confidence,” Webb notes. “Younger kids express emotions vividly, mixing feelings like anger and sadness in complex ways.”

This emotional depth shines when Simea learns of Moana’s impending journey. “She feels a deep connection with Moana,” Derrick explains. “Though she’s not happy about her sister leaving, she understands Moana’s need to go and encourages her.”

However, the creative team was careful not to reduce Simea’s character to mere childhood tropes. “Simea becomes a crucial emotional anchor for Moana,” Webb adds. “Children experience feelings intensely and directly, which makes their emotional expressions uniquely powerful.”

This combination of raw emotion and sibling dynamics promises to bring a rich layer to Moana 2, ensuring that Simea stands out as a memorable character in her own right.

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